Property building in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort

Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resortへようこそ。興奮、贅沢、そしてリラクゼーションがあなたを待っています!ノースカロライナ州チェロキーの777カジノドライブに位置するこの4つ星ホテルは、スリリングな getaway を求める旅行者にとって完璧な目的地です。最低価格は$59から始まり、ノースカロライナ州での思い出に残る体験を楽しむことができます。

市中心部から1マイルの距離に位置するHarrah's Cherokee Casino Resortは、チェロキーの活気ある観光名所を探索するのに便利なロケーションを提供します。1087の高評価を誇るこのホテルは、卓越したサービスと現代的なアメニティで知られています。無料駐車場、ペット可の宿泊施設(追加料金あり)、屋内および屋外のプール、無料WiFi、スパ、ホットタブ/ジャグジー、サウナ、24時間対応のフロントデスクなど、さまざまな機能で贅沢なひとときをお過ごしください。

薄型テレビ、エアコン、無料のアメニティが備わった禁煙ルームで、快適さと洗練の世界に足を踏み入れてください。ホテルのレストランで美味しい料理を楽しみ、バーでリフレッシュするドリンクをお楽しみください。カジノでの冒険を求める方も、フィットネスセンターでのリフレッシュした一日を求める方も、Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resortにはすべてがあります。今すぐご予約いただき、ノースカロライナ州チェロキーでの究極のリトリートを体験してください。

Property building in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Bed in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


Mountain Premium Room 1 King Non Smoking in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


1 キングサイズベッド


505 平方フィート

プレミアム, キングサイズ, 山の景色





Creek Premium Room 1 King Non Smoking in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


1 キングサイズベッド


400 平方フィート

プレミアム, キングサイズ, クリークビュー





2 クイーンサイズベッド

Soco Luxury, 2 クイーンサイズベッド, 喫煙可





Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resortのスリリングな雰囲気の中でリラックスし、贅沢を楽しむ際には、私たちの2つのプールのいずれかでリフレッシュすることをお忘れなく。最初のプールは屋内にあり、年間を通じて利用可能で、快適さを追求した温水環境を提供しています。大人専用の雰囲気の中で、ゆったりとした泳ぎや心地よい水に浸かりながら、リラックスした時間をお楽しみください。


味覚を満たす時間が来たら、Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resortには選べる多くのダイニングオプションがあります。ブリオ・イタリアン・グリルでイタリアの風味を楽しんだり、ゴードン・ラムゼイ・フード・マーケットでアメリカのクラシックを味わったりしてください。オリエンタル料理が食べたい気分なら、ヌードルバーで美味しい中華料理を楽しんでください。ESports Zoneのカジュアルな雰囲気から、ルース・クリス・ステーキハウスの高級な体験まで、私たちの料理の提供はすべての味覚に応えます。スターバックスでコーヒーを一杯楽しんだり、アール・オブ・サンドイッチで軽食を取ったりして、さまざまな料理とダイニングの雰囲気の中から、あなたの欲求を満たす完璧なスポットを見つけることができます。

Lobby or reception in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Mountain view in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resortでは、あなたの快適さと便利さが最優先です。Visa、ダイナースクラブ、アメリカン・エキスプレス、ディスカバー、マスターカード、JCB、ユニオンペイなど、さまざまな支払い方法を受け付けています。広々とした禁煙ルームには、フラットスクリーンテレビ、エアコン、無料のアメニティなどの現代的な設備が整っています。さまざまな部屋のサイズと構成が用意されており、カップルや小グループにも対応しています。

今すぐHarrah's Cherokee Casino Resortに宿泊予約をして、興奮、リラックス、そして美味しい食事に満ちた忘れられない体験を自分に贈りましょう。カジノのスリル、プールサイドの至福、または卓越した料理の喜びを求めているなら、私たちのリゾートはノースカロライナ州チェロキーでの究極のリトリートに必要なすべてを提供します。

Bed in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Bed in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort










Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


屋内の, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 温水

屋外, 大人専用

季節限定, 温水

Swimming pool in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Swimming pool in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort


Brio Italian Grill




ESports Zone


Guy Fieri's Cherokee Kitchen + Bar


Gordon Ramsey Food Market


Noodle Bar


Ruth's Chris Steak House


Selu Garden Cafe


Food and drinks in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Restaurant/places to eat in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Property building in Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
I traveled there with my adult daughter for a girl's night out. I had never stayed at this property. We were both very impressed with the friendliness of everyone from the man waxing the floors to the desk clerk. Not a single grumpy staff member. Security was outstanding. Housekeeping ‐ outstanding. Casino staff - outstanding. Lush grounds with a picturesque creek and multiple outdoor benches. I will definitely return and will tell everyone I know what a wonderful experience we had.


We were there for a girls basketball invitational and enjoyed the amazing facilities for the games and activities for the girls to do at the resort without leaving. We used the valet services many times and we even had personal access to a wheelchair during our entire stay for my 85 year old mom who also enjoyed herself in the casino with the complimentary play cards. Would love to visit in the summer months for more outdoor adventures in the mountains.


We really liked the hospitality and niceness of the Staff- they really reflected the quality of the Resort. Teh facility was very clean and felt fresh. This started when we pulled up - the valet helped us get oriented and the desk clerk was very welcoming. Loved the decor. From Growing up in the Basketball world- we never hear the noises of the gym, buzzers, crowds- and this is a positive for the resort feel. Loved the band at the Myst bar


I am a repeat customer at Selu's for breakfast. Exceptional waitress who I had last year! The Hostess was also the same lady I had last year and very pleasant and professional. Food was phenomenal!! Restaurant has a easy to access location with a great layout for seating!


The property itself is beautiful. We enjoyed walking along the creek. The pool was a lot of fun for our toddler great grandson. We stayed in an older less renovated section of the hotel, but it was still adequate. We did like that we were on the 15th floor.


I traveled there with my adult daughter for a girl's night out. I had never stayed at this property. We were both very impressed with the friendliness of everyone from the man waxing the floors to the desk clerk. Not a single grumpy staff member. Security was outstanding. Housekeeping ‐ outstanding. Casino staff - outstanding. Lush grounds with a picturesque creek and multiple outdoor benches. I will definitely return and will tell everyone I know what a wonderful experience we had.


We were there for a girls basketball invitational and enjoyed the amazing facilities for the games and activities for the girls to do at the resort without leaving. We used the valet services many times and we even had personal access to a wheelchair during our entire stay for my 85 year old mom who also enjoyed herself in the casino with the complimentary play cards. Would love to visit in the summer months for more outdoor adventures in the mountains.


We really liked the hospitality and niceness of the Staff- they really reflected the quality of the Resort. Teh facility was very clean and felt fresh. This started when we pulled up - the valet helped us get oriented and the desk clerk was very welcoming. Loved the decor. From Growing up in the Basketball world- we never hear the noises of the gym, buzzers, crowds- and this is a positive for the resort feel. Loved the band at the Myst bar


I am a repeat customer at Selu's for breakfast. Exceptional waitress who I had last year! The Hostess was also the same lady I had last year and very pleasant and professional. Food was phenomenal!! Restaurant has a easy to access location with a great layout for seating!


The property itself is beautiful. We enjoyed walking along the creek. The pool was a lot of fun for our toddler great grandson. We stayed in an older less renovated section of the hotel, but it was still adequate. We did like that we were on the 15th floor.


I traveled there with my adult daughter for a girl's night out. I had never stayed at this property. We were both very impressed with the friendliness of everyone from the man waxing the floors to the desk clerk. Not a single grumpy staff member. Security was outstanding. Housekeeping ‐ outstanding. Casino staff - outstanding. Lush grounds with a picturesque creek and multiple outdoor benches. I will definitely return and will tell everyone I know what a wonderful experience we had.


We were there for a girls basketball invitational and enjoyed the amazing facilities for the games and activities for the girls to do at the resort without leaving. We used the valet services many times and we even had personal access to a wheelchair during our entire stay for my 85 year old mom who also enjoyed herself in the casino with the complimentary play cards. Would love to visit in the summer months for more outdoor adventures in the mountains.


We really liked the hospitality and niceness of the Staff- they really reflected the quality of the Resort. Teh facility was very clean and felt fresh. This started when we pulled up - the valet helped us get oriented and the desk clerk was very welcoming. Loved the decor. From Growing up in the Basketball world- we never hear the noises of the gym, buzzers, crowds- and this is a positive for the resort feel. Loved the band at the Myst bar


I am a repeat customer at Selu's for breakfast. Exceptional waitress who I had last year! The Hostess was also the same lady I had last year and very pleasant and professional. Food was phenomenal!! Restaurant has a easy to access location with a great layout for seating!


The property itself is beautiful. We enjoyed walking along the creek. The pool was a lot of fun for our toddler great grandson. We stayed in an older less renovated section of the hotel, but it was still adequate. We did like that we were on the 15th floor.



777 Casino Drive, Cherokee, 28719, ノースカロライナ州, アメリカ

Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort